Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a Fortune Teller, a psychic, and a medium?

Fortune telling goes back to the Greek times where the Augurs, known as Priests, studied the flight behaviour of birds and the weather to find the answers to given questions. The Augurs were used by the army to predict whether they would win a battle. Failure to have the correct information could result in death for the Augurs. What they did not always take into account was such things as the migration of birds, or after having been cooped up and not fed for several days, they would naturally start to peck on being released from their cages. Pecking was seen as being a positive outcome. It is for this reason we have the superstitions today with magpies, one for sorrow and two for joy. This particular aspect does not have anything to do with mediumship.

The word psychic comes from the Greek word psukhḗ (ψυχή) meaning ‘breath’ or ‘soul’. Everyone is psychic to some extent. Man psychic abilities in the past were stronger as he had to be aware of what was around him to survive. The Aborigines still sense today where there is water and arid areas. We all have gut feelings – this is part of our psychic abilities. In a psychic reading the medium will read your soul/aura, which is very much like a black box on a plane – it has all the information stored there – what you have done and where are in your life. A psychic reading is very much to determine where you are in your life and the options open to you. A psychic reading will provide guidance, helping you to see the options open to you.

A medium is psychic. Not all psychics are mediums. The key difference is that mediums are able to link into the Spirit world to give information about souls who have passed on. It is very much a healing process between the Spirit world and you, enabling you both to come together once again. Through the information and facts that they give, you will be assured that they are well and happy in their world and the bond of love remains. Anyone can call themselves a medium. There are many good ones and also some very bad ones. Here are some things to look for when watching a demonstration or having a sitting:
A medium should never tell you what to do. They should not be asking you questions during the sitting, such as: Who is Paul and why am I seeing a train? The medium should be well enough trained and connected to understand what they are seeing, hearing or feeling. The medium will give you the information and you should be able to follow the story as it unfolds in front of you. You should only be confirming what is being said. The medium will talk about such things as memories, situations, current issues. You should leave a sitting feeling uplifted.

What is a public demonstration?

Public demonstrations are meant to provide proof that the Soul lives on after bodily death. At a public demonstration not everyone is guaranteed a message. The description of the person and their life may be detailed, but messages are sometimes short, respecting your privacy in a public venue. However, facts are often provided that would be known only to the recipient. The events are usually entertaining and uplifting. The Spirit World is as eager to chat to us as we are to them.

What is a private sitting?

In a private sitting, also called a consultation, clients usually wish to make contact with family or friends who have crossed over to the Other Side. Unlike public demonstrations, these private sittings allow time for discovery of in-depth, personal information, or the answers to your questions. During such a sitting, expect to receive evidence and validation that Jim is indeed in communication with your loved one. Though this can be quite emotional, it is also profoundly healing and joyful to know that your loved ones are well on the Other Side.

What is a spiritual assessment?

A spiritual assessment deals with the spiritual aspects of the soul and how it appears to be unfolding for people who have started down the path of spiritual development, usually regarding their mediumship. This is similar to a psychic reading.