Public demonstrations
Public demonstrations provide messages from Spirit in a group setting. The purpose is to provide strong evidence that the spirit lives on after bodily death.
At a public demonstration, not everyone is guaranteed a message. The description of the person may be detailed, but messages are sometimes short and somewhat impersonal, respecting your privacy in a public venue.
However, facts are often provided that would be known only to the recipient. The events are usually very entertaining and uplifting.
Private Readings
Private Readings are for individuals who wish to make contact with family or friends who have crossed over to the Other Side.
Unlike public demonstrations, these private sittings allow time for discovery of in-depth, personal information, or the answers to your questions.
During a sitting, expect to receive evidence and validation that Jim is indeed in communication with your loved one. Though this can be quite emotional, it is also profoundly healing and joyful to know that your loved ones are well on the Other Side.
Private Consultations
Private Consultations are for exploring Spiritualism in general, or spiritual assessment or other life guidance. If this is the aim for your session, please request this specifically when you schedule your appointment.
Face to face and telephone readings are equally powerful and accurate. If you choose a telephone reading, please create a quiet space where you will have no distractions so that you can listen to and appreciate your message without interruption. Remember that all messages and guidance come directly from the Spirit world, rather than from me. Communication and connection with specific loved ones cannot be guaranteed.